I'm a young fool and I make games via RM. I enjoy game mechanics and theories, especially new graphical experiments. I'm a master chip splicer and I draw my own resources as well. Teaching myself how to digitally paint via PS, after pixeling for several years.
What's the Point?
What is the point of anything? You're just going to die and most likely not be remembered. Just keep doing nothing until you die and disintegrate into dirt.
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Hefty coding question: guards detecting thief
For the seeing through walls part, you can use terrains. Set the walls to a certain terrain and branch the terrain during the "in vision" branching. tempx-3, store terrain, branch if terrain = 2, then it's a wall, turn on switch, that turns off the line of sight code.
Mapping Contest 2k3
4 hour game
It's going to be very hard to make it seem round without adding more colors. The rendering of the bricks themselves are very garbled and random, put thought behind each pixel and think about how they come together to form a certain texture.
It's going to be very hard to make it seem round without adding more colors. The rendering of the bricks themselves are very garbled and random, put thought behind each pixel and think about how they come together to form a certain texture.
Is grinding a flaw in rpgs?
Grinding isn't good unless you do it do it while doing something else. Example, leveling up pokes while watching tv is a decent combo.
What's up with the damn profanity?
Yeah it goes back to good writing in a way, it's easier to pull off in 3d games that are more like movies. But even then it can seem like some lame PG13 flick. GTA IV is an example of gritty, yet realistic dialogue, whereas maybe something like Uncharted is the cornier example.
The Screenshot Topic Returns
The problem with that chip, is that it's one of the few "futuristic" chips besides maybe ff6 magitech factory and CT domes. The only problem is that it's very limited, and lackluster, but it does provide a sufficient base to build off of. It has a lot of unsaturated grey, which doesn't help readability of your similarly colored sprite. It also has a bunch of gradients/colors that don't really add depth because they are too similar, so it lacks contrast too. I know it's custom somewhere down the line, (idk who orig made it) but I would reconsider using it at all or consider some hefty edits.